Learning Consultant

Kai Niethammer
Digital and Blended Learning Consultant

I create modern and

digital learning solutions with

I am a self-employed and independent consultant,
with several years of experience in learning & development
and a strong focus on digital and modern learning methods.

Digital ... but how?!

eLearning implementation & improvement

You would like to introduce eLearning in your company and don't know yet what you have to consider? Or have you already taken this step and are facing difficulties or would like to take your offering to the next level?
Mit 19 Jahren Erfahrung bei der Implementierung und Weiterentwicklung von eLearning in verschiedenen Unternehmen, unterstütze ich sie gerne bei ihrem nächsten Schritt mit einer unabhängigen Meinung.

Modernize your human resources development

Has your company reached a point where you want or need to modernize your personnel development? Do you have the impression that your L&D programs are not yet efficient enough?
In my role as Head of Global Learning at QIAGEN, I managed the entire training department with global responsibility and a globally distributed team, ensuring smooth operations.
I am happy to consult you on the sustainable use of modern learning methods and tools and optimize your individual processes.

Jump start

LMS implementation

Sie möchten ein Learning Management System (LMS) einführen oder ein neues anschaffen? Besitzen sie vielleicht schon eins und haben den Eindruck, dass es nicht zu ihren Prozessen und/oder Ihrem Bedürfnissen passt?
Over the past years, I have implemented several Learning Management Systems from different vendors in different environments and companies and adapted them to the respective needs where necessary. One own LMS development was even awarded with the European eLearning Award.
I install, support and administer multiple LMSs for different customers.
To help you with your individual LMS challenge independently, feel free to contact me.

Your topics

Content creation

Do you need eLearning content on your individual topics or are you looking for a suitable provider to create this content for you?
Ich kann Ihre Content-Projekte für Sie kostengünstig erstellen. Mit meiner langjährigen Erfahrung und den daraus resultierenden Marktkenntnissen und meinem Netzwerk erstelle ich gerne die Inhalte für Sie.

Truly interactive ...


Do you have the impression that your virtual meetings or trainings are not interactive enough yet?
I will show you how to make virtual training and meetings more interactive. Instead of a presentation character, your online events will get more of a workshop character, where everyone can get involved individually.

My experience

Here you can see an overview of my relevant experiences

Managing Partner at Kai Niethammer Learning Consulting LLP

since 05.2021

  • Consultation on Learning & Development strategies
  • Independent consultation on eLearning / digital learning formats, blended learning, Learning Management Systems, providers
  • Implementation of digital learning technologies into corporate environments
  • Installation, maintenance and administration of Learning Management Systems
  • Consultation and support on creation of L&D tenders including their specification documents
  • Implementation of digital learning technologies into corporate environments
  • Training: Moodle/Totara und Autorentools
  • Training and coaching of consultants and learning instructors in facilitating interactive virtual workshops and meetings
  • Training: From classroom to online teaching
Interim Manager Head of L&D EuMEA at Nufarm Europe GmbH

07.2022 – 02.2023

  • Interim Lead of all L&D activities for the EuMEA region
  • Merging regional training management activities into a unified approach
  • Implementing a mentoring program
  • Implementing unified App-based language training approach
  • Creation of custom online training content
Member of the jury for the Innovation Award for Digital Education (delina), Learntec, Karlsruhe

since 2020

  • Evaluation of the submissions
Digital Learning Consultant, Freelancer, Meerbusch

01.2019 – 04.2021

  • Consulting on eLearning / digital learning formats, blended learning
  • Development of blended learning concepts
  • Implementation of and support for learning management systems
  • Consulting for the introduction of eLearning in the corporate environment
  • Training: Moodle/Totara, authoring tools
  • Training and coaching of consultants and learning instructors in facilitating interactive virtual workshops and meetings
Consultant, Contractor at the "Institute for Digital Transformation in Work, Education and Society" (Kempten University of Applied Sciences)

since 01.2019

  • Conversion from classroom to online teaching
  • Production of digital learning content
  • Course management and setup
  • Betreuung Moodle-Sprechstunde
  • Individual consulting on Moodle, Zoom and digital learning solutions
  • Coaching and lecturing
Senior HR Manager, Head of Global Learning QIAGEN

07.2018 – 12.2019

Takeover and management of the global training department
  • Restructuring and management of the global team with employees on different continents
  • Needs analysis and development of a global learning portfolio
  • Internal and external development of business-specific learning offerings
  • Ensure efficient delivery of learning portfolio globally through the regional headquarters and other locations
  • Budget planning for own department
Training consulting
  • Consulting HR Business Partners, all management levels, functional heads, and employees on training topics as well as on transformation and change processes
  • Shaping and managing the global human resources development strategy
Senior HR Manager eLearning, QIAGEN

06.2014 – 06.2018

  • Structured digitalization of training in the company globally
  • Transformation of existing training programs into blended learning concept
  • Content development
eLearning Specialist, KYOCERA MITA EUROPE B.V.

12.2007 – 05.2014

  • Implementation and administration of Learning Management System
  • Implementation of a blended learning concept
  • Implementation of curriculum management
  • Content development
  • Training Center Computer and Network Infrastructure
Sales Trainer/eLearning Coordinator, EPSON Deutschland GmbH

08.2002 – 11.2007

  • Sales Training
  • Implementation of digital learning formats (since 2004)
  • Content development


Blended Learning Consultant

bildungsinnovator/edutrainment company, 2017

Principles of effective Management

QIAGEN, 2016

brief practitioner

the brief lab (Sheffield Company), 2015

Remote leadership

QIAGEN, 2015

Intercultural Training USA

QIAGEN, 2015

Web technologies

openHPI, 2013

Lean Six-Sigma Introduction

KYOCERA Document Solutions, 2013

PRINCE2 Foundation

KYOCERA Document Solutions/Integrata, 2012

Educational Media

University Duisburg/Essen, Faculty for Media didactics, 2011

Emotional intelligence

mevissen consulting/EPSON Deutschland GmbH, 2006

Trainer certification

EPSON Deutschland GmbH / Neuland & Partner, 2004

References & Awards

Comenius EduMedia Siegel

for the cross-company project "PMI2go" in which I was involved
as didactic eLearning consultant, 2017

Golden KYOCERA European President Award

for my contribution to the exceptional performance of the
eLearning infrastructure, content and processes, 2012

eLearning-Journal Award

for „Capability Management“, 2012

eLearning-Journal Award

for „Knowledge Management”, 2012

EureleA (European eLearning Award)

for the best overall impression of the self developed LMS, 2009

EPSON President-Award

for the development and maintenance of the European
eLearning concept, 2007


If you have any questions, feel free to write me via this contact form:

    Design Solutions

    Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites.

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    Sample Title

    Privacy policy

    Privacy policy
    We have written this privacy statement (version 09.01.2020-311141461) to explain to you, in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679, what information we collect, how we use data and what decision-making options you have as a visitor to this website.
    Unfortunately, it is in the nature of things that these explanations sound very technical, but we have tried to describe the most important things as simply and clearly as possible when creating them.
    Automatic data storage
    Nowadays, when you visit websites, certain information is automatically created and stored, such as on this website.
    When you visit our website as you are doing right now, our web server (computer on which this website is stored) automatically stores data such as
    - die Adresse (URL) der aufgerufenen Webseite
    - Browser und Browserversion
    - das verwendete Betriebssystem
    - die Adresse (URL) der zuvor besuchten Seite (Referrer URL)
    - den Hostname und die IP-Adresse des Geräts von welchem aus zugegriffen wird
    - Datum und Uhrzeit


    in files (web server log files).
    As a rule, web server log files are stored for two weeks and then automatically deleted. We do not pass on this data, but cannot rule out the possibility that this data may be reviewed in the event of unlawful behavior.
    The legal basis, according to Article 6(1) f DSGVO (lawfulness of processing), is that there is legitimate interest in enabling the error-free operation of this website by collecting web server log files.
    Our website uses HTTP cookies to store user-specific data.
    Below we explain what cookies are and why they are used so that you can better understand the following privacy policy.
    What exactly are cookies?
    Whenever you browse the Internet, you use a browser. Popular browsers include Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge. Most websites store small text files in your browser. These files are called cookies.
    One thing cannot be denied: Cookies are really useful little helpers. Almost all websites use cookies. More precisely, they are HTTP cookies, as there are other cookies for other applications. HTTP cookies are small files that are stored on your computer by our website. These cookie files are automatically placed in the cookie folder, effectively the "brain" of your browser. A cookie consists of a name and a value. When defining a cookie, one or more attributes must also be specified.
    Cookies store certain user data about you, such as language or personal page settings. When you return to our site, your browser transmits the "user-related" information back to our site. Thanks to cookies, our site knows who you are and offers you your usual default setting. In some browsers, each cookie has its own file; in others, such as Firefox, all cookies are stored in a single file.
    There are both first-party cookies and third-party cookies. First-party cookies are created directly by our site, third-party cookies are created by partner websites (e.g. Google Analytics - which we do not use!). Each cookie must be evaluated individually, as each cookie stores different data. Also, the expiration time of a cookie varies from a few minutes to a few years. Cookies are not software programs and do not contain viruses, Trojans, or other "pests". Cookies also cannot access information on your PC.
    For example, cookie data may look like this:
    Name: _ga
    Expiration time: 2 years
    Usage: differentiation of website visitors
    Example value: GA1.2.1326744211.152311141461
    A browser should support the following minimum requirements:
    A cookie should be able to contain at least 4096 bytes
    At least 50 cookies should be able to be stored per domain
    A total of at least 3000 cookies should be able to be stored
    What types of cookies are there?
    The question of which cookies we use in particular depends on the services used and is clarified in the following sections of the privacy policy. At this point, we would like to briefly discuss the different types of HTTP cookies.
    One can distinguish 4 types of cookies:
    Essential cookies
    These cookies are necessary to ensure the basic functions of the website. For example, these cookies are needed when a user adds a product to the shopping cart, then continues surfing on other pages, and later goes to the checkout. Through these cookies, the shopping cart is not deleted even if the user closes his browser window.
    Functional cookies
    These cookies collect information about user behavior and whether the user receives any error messages. In addition, these cookies are also used to measure the loading time and the behavior of the website with different browsers.
    Performance cookies
    These cookies provide a better user experience. For example, entered locations, font sizes or form data are stored.
    Advertising cookies
    These cookies are also called targeting cookies. They are used to deliver customized advertising to the user. This can be very convenient, but also very annoying.
    Usually, when you visit a website for the first time, you are asked which of these cookie types you want to allow. And, of course, this decision is also stored in a cookie.
    How can I delete cookies?
    You decide how and whether you want to use cookies. Regardless of which service or website the cookies come from, you always have the option to delete, only partially allow or disable cookies. For example, you can block third-party cookies, but allow all other cookies.
    If you want to determine which cookies have been stored in your browser, if you want to change or delete cookie settings, you can find this in your browser settings:
    Chrome: Delete, enable and manage cookies in Chrome
    Safari: Managing cookies and website data with Safari
    Firefox: Delete cookies to remove data that websites have placed on your computer
    Internet Explorer: Delete and manage cookies
    Microsoft Edge: Delete and manage cookies
    If you do not want to have cookies in principle, you can set up your browser so that it always informs you when a cookie is to be set. In this way, you can decide for each individual cookie whether you allow the cookie or not. The procedure varies depending on the browser. The best way is to search for the instructions in Google with the search term "delete cookies Chrome" or "disable cookies Chrome" in case of a Chrome browser or replace the word "Chrome" with the name of your browser, e.g. Edge, Firefox, Safari.
    What about my data privacy?
    The so-called "Cookie Guidelines" have been in place since 2009. These state that the storage of cookies requires the consent of the website visitor (i.e. you). Within the EU countries, however, there are still very different reactions to these guidelines. In Germany, the Cookie Directives have not been implemented as national law. Instead, this directive was largely implemented in Section 15 (3) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG).
    If you want to know more about cookies and are not afraid of technical documentation, we recommend https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Request for Comments called "HTTP State Management Mechanism".
    Storage of personal data
    Personal data that you transmit to us electronically on this website, such as name, e-mail address, address, or other personal information in the context of submitting a form or comments on the blog, will be used by us together with the time and IP address only for the purpose stated in each case, kept secure and not disclosed to third parties.
    We thus use your personal data only for communication with visitors who expressly request contact and for processing the services and products offered on this website. We do not disclose your personal data without consent, but we cannot exclude the possibility that this data may be viewed in the event of unlawful conduct.
    If you send us personal data by e-mail - thus outside of this website - we cannot guarantee secure transmission and protection of your data. We recommend that you never send confidential data by e-mail without encryption.
    According to Article 6 (1) a DSGVO (lawfulness of processing), the legal basis is that you give us consent to process the data you have entered. You can revoke this consent at any time - an informal e-mail is sufficient, you will find our contact details in the imprint.
    Rights under the General Data Protection Regulation
    According to the provisions of the GDPR, you are generally entitled to the following rights:
    - Recht auf Berichtigung (Artikel 16 DSGVO)
    - Recht auf Löschung („Recht auf Vergessenwerden“) (Artikel 17 DSGVO)
    - Recht auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung (Artikel 18 DSGVO)
    - Recht auf Benachrichtigung – Mitteilungspflicht im Zusammenhang mit der Berichtigung oder Löschung personenbezogener Daten oder der Einschränkung der Verarbeitung (Artikel 19 DSGVO)
    - Recht auf Datenübertragbarkeit (Artikel 20 DSGVO)
    Right to object (Article 21 DSGVO)
    - Recht, nicht einer ausschließlich auf einer automatisierten Verarbeitung — einschließlich Profiling — beruhenden Entscheidung unterworfen zu werden (Artikel 22 DSGVO)
    If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or your data protection rights have otherwise been violated in any way, you can contact the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit(BfDI)) .
    Evaluation of visitor behavior
    In the following privacy policy, we inform you whether and how we evaluate data from your visit to this website. The evaluation of the collected data is usually anonymous and we can not conclude from your behavior on this website to your person.
    You can find out more about how to object to this analysis of visit data in the following data protection declaration.
    TLS encryption with https
    We use https to transmit data tap-proof on the Internet (data protection by design of technology Article 25(1) DSGVO). By using TLS (Transport Layer Security), an encryption protocol for secure data transmission on the Internet, we can ensure the protection of confidential data. You can recognize the use of this protection of data transmission by the small lock symbol at the top left of the browser and the use of the scheme https (instead of http) as part of our Internet address.
    OWA Privacy Policy
    This website uses Open Web Analytics (OWA), an open source web analytics software licensed under the GPL. OWA was created by Peter Adams.
    For this purpose, OWA sets cookies on the device. These enable an analysis of website usage. The information collected in this process is usually recorded on our server in Germany - including the IP address. Only we have access to this information. No data is passed on to third parties.
    We use the collected information to evaluate the use of our websites and to create corresponding reports.


    The processing of the data is based on Art. 6 para. 1 UAbs. 1 letter f) DSGVO with a legitimate interest in improving this website offer. 

    The setting of the Analytics cookie can be prevented by setting the browser to reject all cookies. However, this may affect the usability of this website. 


    - Muster-Datenschutzerklärung von anwalt.de
    - Erstellt mit dem Datenschutz Generator von AdSimple in Kooperation mit 123familie.de

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    Like many websites, my website uses cookies, evil. even third-party cookies. Define your privacy settings and/or agree to the use of cookies.